Source: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration I can hardly believe that I let the 45th anniversary of Star Trek go unmentioned here, but as you can tell, I’ve been pretty busy at Lifehacker. Still, this…
9-Minute Leaked Preview of the New Thundercats Cartoon
Rumor has been flying for a long time now that the original Thundercats would see a reboot of some kind, and sure enough it’s coming true, over at Cartoon Network. The reboot isn’t coming in the shape of a movie,…
This BSG Colonial Viper Replica is Gorgeous
The folks at Quantum Mechanix have outdone themselves: the image above is of a replica Colonial Viper, of the kind piloted by Starbuck in the BattleStar Galactica television series. There are actually three versions of the replica: one with Starbuck’s…
Site Highlight ::
If you’re a fan of Netflix Instant Watch, and you enjoy streaming Netflix video to your game console, your PC or Mac, your handheld device or tablet, or even directly to your television as much as I do, you’ll want…
Site Highlight :: Everything is A Remix
Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo. Everything is a Remix is something of a documentary project that’s done an excellent job of cataloging the fact that so much of the popular culture and media that…
Lifehacker :: How to Install XBMC on Your Apple TV
It was an unexpected announcement last week, but if you have an AppleTV – one of the most recent models – and you jailbreak it, you can now install XBMC, or XBox Media Center, on your device and turn it…
Should You Build or Buy Your Boxee Box?
Over at Lifehacker, there’s a great breakdown that answers the question that’s been at least plaguing my mind for a few weeks now that the Boxee Box has been released: should I buy one, or just roll my own HTPC…
SWAT Kats Coming to DVD!
I’m divulging from the traditional tech and gadgetry to share a little fun news from Geek culture – if you’re anywhere near as old as I am (or even older, considering the show’s original run) you’ll remember the SWAT Kats…
PC Mag :: Apple TV Reviewed!
Not a lot of people managed to get their hands on an Apple TV to review, but the folks at PC Mag did, and the verdict? It’s good – really good, especially if streaming media is your thing. That’s not…
How to Pick the Right TV Tuner for Your DIY DVR
(image courtesy of Lifehacker) There are so many set-top boxes out there and every cable or satellite company offers their own DVR (Digital Video Recorder), so you may ask why you should bother rolling your own DVR for any reason.…