it’s probably saying something that my own turntables are in a tiny nook with barely enough room to actually use them, but this Ikea setup that’s perfect for a pair of turntables, a mixer, and a pair of CD decks…
TechGrid :: Evolution of the Ultimate Home Office
MattD, over at TechGrid, has had his home office shown on web sites far and wide. In fact, it’s likely you recognize the shot above, from the second iteration of his home office, the one that got so much publicity…
Nathan Fillion’s Swamp Ass PSA
This is probably the most hilarious thing I’ve seen in a very long time. I mean, I think everyone understand how a bad case of swamp ass can be, but this is a whole different thing. Honestly though, the hair…
Teflon and Steel Gaming Surfaces Amp Up Your Game
Regular old mousepads when you’re gaming are so passe: what you really need is a good, solid mousing surface that won’t make your desk all dusty, won’t clog your mouse’s sensor with dirt or grime, and won’t hinder you moving…
Play Ghost in the Shell…with Kinect!
I’m a big fan of Danny Choo and the way he’s managed to let nothing stop him from making his passion his life and career, and one of the things he does regularly is work on a televison show called…
Steampunk Gallery Show Pays Tribute to Jules Verne
You know already I’m a huge fan of all things steampunk – well, maybe not all things: and the items on display at the Nemo’s Steampunk Art & Invention Gallery are no exception. Well – some of them are exceptions.…
Tiny Wings is Adorable Fun
Tiny Wings is probably the most adorable mobile game that I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously, Angry Birds is cute, but Tiny Wings walks the line between emotional and adorable in a way that few games manage to do…
Spinning Gears :: Is Android More Profitable than iOS for Developers?
(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) So the blogs have been buzzing recently thanks to a report that for SpaceTime Studios, the developers of the popular mobile…
Lifehacker :: How to Install XBMC on Your Apple TV
It was an unexpected announcement last week, but if you have an AppleTV – one of the most recent models – and you jailbreak it, you can now install XBMC, or XBox Media Center, on your device and turn it…