Spinning Gears

Spinning Gears :: Why are Facebook Users So Threatened by Google+?
Spinning Gears :: Why are Facebook Users So Threatened by Google+?

Spinning Gears :: Why are Facebook Users So Threatened by Google+?

(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) Now that Google+ is open to the public (and you can add me to your circles here by the way,) some…

Spinning Gears :: Is Android More Profitable than iOS for Developers?

(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) So the blogs have been buzzing recently thanks to a report that for SpaceTime Studios, the developers of the popular mobile…

Spinning Gears :: Why I’m Not Getting a Verizon iPhone, but That’s Just Me

(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) Well, the moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Verizon Wireless finally has the iPhone 4. But I’m not…

Spinning Gears :: Libyan Government Shuts down vb.ly Domain, What of Other Foreign-Owned Suffixes?

(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) I covered this story over at AppScout today, but I think not only does it bear repeating, but it just sparks…