Google Wave 101

Google Wave Screenshot

The shot above is from my own Google Wave inbox (is it called an inbox?) and I’ll admit that even though I’ve been fiddling with Google Wave for at least a couple of weeks and I’m still getting the hang of it. I see how incredibly useful it can be for collaboration and conversation, but like my heroine Gina Trapani has mentioned before on her Twitter: that Google Wave is really interesting, but it’s a lot like e-mail used to be back when no one was on it – it’s pretty lonely if you don’t have anyone to wave with!

That being said, if you have a Google Wave account, Gina has written an amazing Google Wave 101 post at Lifehacker that can help you get started, help you find some public waves to get involved in and start finding your way around and start talking with people.

To that point though, Gina Trapani has just finished a new book called The Complete Guide to Google Wave, which has even more tips, tricks, and use cases for Google Wave! Check out both links below.

[ Lifehacker :: Google Wave 101 ]

[ Lifehacker :: The Complete Guide to Google Wave ]

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